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Past Continuous

I am studying English. -> I was studying English.
He is watching TV. -> He was watching TV.
They are driving the car. -> They were driving the car.

  I was doing

딱 과거의 어느 한 순간


부정문은 역시나 be 동사 뒤에, 일반동사 앞에 not을 붙이면 된다.
It was raining. -> It wasn't raining.
Her father was eating a breakfast. -> Her father wasn't eating a breakfast.


(W/H) was/were + subject + doing.
역시나 주어 동사 도치, 의문사는 맨 앞에 나오는 구조로 질문(의문문)을 만든다.
He was playing soccer -> Was he playing soccer?
Their mom was cooking foods. -> Was their mom cooking foods?
Q: What was you studying?
A: I was studying Java programming language.